Tutorials Examples naver map js api v3 네이버 지도 API Major Characteristics

Major Characteristics

The NAVER Maps API v3 is a JavaScript based NAVER Maps platform which helps you easily implement map features in your web service or application, with its various classes and methods.
In particular, it provides code optimized for desktop and mobile environments to achieve high performance and is newly designed to fully support major web browsers.

The NAVER Maps API v3 supports the following characteristics.

  • Independent APIs
  • Mobile optimization
  • Key-Value Observing (KVO) design
  • Single version

Independent APIs

The previous versions of the NAVER Maps API, v1 and v2, used the JindoJS framework. The NAVER Maps API v3, however, is capable of handling Document Object Model (DOM) and is compatible with web browsers, which makes it fully independent from other frameworks such as JindoJS, and libraries.

That is, the API works with any frameworks or libraries without any problems. Also, unlike the previous versions, it is designed to work without additional Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Mobile optimization

Mobile web browsing environments work differently depending on each device’s performance and its manufacturer’s customizing status, despite their recent improvements. The NAVER Maps API v3 is designed to ensure the best performance in most mobile devices.

Apart from touchstart, touchmove, and touchend touch events, the following gesture events are also available.

  • tap - Touch the screen with one finger.
  • doubletap - Touch the screen twice quickly with one finger.
  • longtap - Touch the screen for 1 sec. or longer with one finger.
  • twofingertap - Touch the screen with two fingers.
  • pinch in/out - Touch the screen with two fingers and spread or pinch them.

Gesture events will be added continuously.

Basically, the NAVER Maps API v3 uses the CSS3 Transform property. However, it automatically uses the CSS2 rendering in specific web browsers or for devices with poor performance. This is how the NAVER Maps API v3 ensures the best performance depending on users’ environments.

KVO design

KVO design is the core of the entire design of the NAVER Maps API v3. Classes that inherit from the KVO class can bind interesting properties to effectively handle them when the properties are changed.

For more information on the KVO mechanism, refer to KVO Design.

Single version

The NAVER Maps API v3 is available as a single version. You can view the version information from the comment of the beginning of the JavaScript file as shown below.

 * mantle - NAVER Maps API v3.0.0 - 2016-05-26 11:20:56
 * Copyright(c) 2016, NAVER corp, Team mantle

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