Tutorials Examples naver map js api v3 네이버 지도 API Creating the basic drawing tool

Creating the basic drawing tool

Creating the basic drawing tool

The following code example creates a drawing tool containing default options. An event that occurs when a shape is created, selected, or deleted is displayed below the description text box.

Select an icon and click a map to draw the shape.
- If you draw a shape while holding the Shift key down, snaps are enabled in a square or rectangular coordinates.
- polygon, polyline: Right-click to start drawing and Press the Esc key to end drawing.

Click a shape to enter the edit mode.
Drag the shape to move.

Click the shape to enter the edit mode.
Drag a control point of the shape to edit it.
- polygon, polyline: Click a control point that is placed in the middle to add a point.

Right-click to delete a shape.

Occurred events