Tutorials Examples naver map js api v3 네이버 지도 API Converting between Coordinate Systems using Geocoder

Converting between Coordinate Systems using Geocoder

The Geocoder submodule provides expanded projection objects supporting geocoding/reverse geocoding methods and specific coordinate systems.

For examples of using the Geocoder submodule, refer to Geocoder examples.

Load submodules

To use Geocoder, you should load the JavaScript file of the Geocoder submodule. Load the file as in the code below.
This submodule requires the NAVER Maps API v3 to be loaded in advance. For more information, refer to Submodule System.

The NAVER Maps API v3 supports both http and https protocols.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://oapi.map.naver.com/openapi/v3/maps.js?ncpClientId=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&submodules=geocoder"></script>

Convert between coordinate systems

The Geocoder submodule provides a method to convert between coordinate systems. The available coordinate systems are listed below.

More coordinate systems will be added continuously.

  • LatLng: Latitude and longitude coordinate system
  • UTMK: UTMK coordinate system
  • NAVER: NAVER’s own coordinate system
  • TM128: TM128 coordinate system

Use the naver.maps.TransCoord static object to convert between coordinate systems.

var latlng = new naver.maps.LatLng(37.5666103, 126.9783882); // Lat/lng coordinates of Seoul City Hall

var utmk = naver.maps.TransCoord.fromLatLngToUTMK(latlng); // Lat/lng -> UTMK
var tm128 = naver.maps.TransCoord.fromUTMKToTM128(utmk);   // UTMK -> TM128
var naverCoord = naver.maps.TransCoord.fromTM128ToNaver(tm128); // TM128 -> NAVER

Examples: Converting between coordinate systems